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این باعث جمعیت در معرض خطر و توقف

 این باعث جمعیت در معرض خطر و توقف رشد مرگ زودرس. اطلاعات بیشتر. محصولات زراعی. (عکس: Pexels) میامی: افزایش سطح دی اکسید کربن از گرم شدن کره زمین را به شدت مقدار پروتئین در محصولات اصلی مانند برنج و گندم را کاهش می دهد، می روم جمعیت های آسیب پذیر در معرض خطر و توقف رشد مرگ زودرس، کارشناسان هشدار داده Wednesday.Researchers می گویند که هنوز هم دان و سحر و جادو مهره فلنج Manufacturers39؛ تی درک چرا و چگونه دی اکسید کربن پروتئین تولید گازهای گلخانه ای شیره و مواد مغذی دیگر از گیاهان، اما رمز و راز است که می تواند عواقب ویرانگر در سراسر جهان است. 150 میلیون نفر در سراسر جهان ممکن است در خطر کمبود پروتئین در سال 2050 می باشد به دلیل افزایش سطح دی اکسید کربن در جو گفت که این گزارش در مجله زیست محیطی نامه پژوهشی. این مطالعه توسط محققان دانشگاه هاروارد، برای اولین بار به کمیت و تأثیرات گرم شدن کره زمین بر روی سطح پروتئین از محصولات است. آن را بر روی اطلاعات حاصل از آزمایش زمینه باز که در آن گیاهان به غلظت های بالایی از CO2 قرار گرفتند متکی است. اطلاعات غذایی جهانی از سازمان ملل متحد (UN) برای محاسبه تاثیر بر افرادی که خطرناکی نزدیک به لبه زندگی می کنند که آن را به گرفتن پروتئین به اندازه کافی می آید استفاده شد. بدون آن، توقف رشد است، بیماری شایع تر است و مرگ زودرس است مراتب بیشتر احتمال دارد. دی اکسید کربن یک محصول جانبی از سوزاندن سوخت های فسیلی که کمک می کند گرما در اطراف زمین است. بدون اقدام صریح، این آلاینده ها انتظار می رود به صعود در دهه های آینده، و در نتیجه بالا آمدن سطح دریاها، درجه حرارت گرمتر و آب و هوایی شدید تر است. فرضیه غالب این بود که CO2


ممکن است مقدار نشاسته در گیاهان افزایش می دهد، در نتیجه پروتئین و دیگر نویسنده ی nutrients.But ساموئل مایرز، یک دانشمند محقق ارشد در TH چان دانشگاه هاروارد بهداشت کاهش، گفت که آزمایش را به عقب نیست تا تئوری. "، پاسخ کوتاه این است که ما واقعا هیچ ایده" او به خبرگزاری فرانسه گفت. "ما به آن بسیار گسترده ای نگاه کرد." پروتئین تنها ماده غذایی را به یک ضربه بزرگ است. تحقیقات دیگر نشان داده است که # افزایش CO2 خواهد مواد معدنی کلیدی مانند آهن و روی در محصولات اصلی را کاهش دهد، منجر به کمبودهای تغذیه ای بیشتر در سراسر جهان. آفریقا، آسیا سخت ترین hitResearchers محاسبه کرد که تا سال 2050، غلظت CO2 بالاتر خواهد محتویات پروتئین جو توسط 14.6 درصد، برنج 7.6 درصد، گندم به میزان 7.8 درصد SAP، و سیب زمینی 6.4 درصد است. "اگر سطح CO2 همچنان افزایش یابد به عنوان پیش بینی شده، جمعیت 18 کشور ممکن است بیش از 5 درصد از پروتئین در رژیم غذایی خود را با 2050 به دلیل کاهش در ارزش تغذیه ای برنج، گندم و سایر محصولات اصلی از دست دادن، گفت:" این گزارش. کامل 76 درصد از مردم بر روی زمین بر روی گیاهان تکیه برای بسیاری از پروتئین روزانه آنها، به ویژه در مناطق فقیر جهان است. انتظار می رود که مناطق سخت ترین ضربه به کشورهای جنوب صحرای آفریقا، که در آن میلیون در حال حاضر انجام پروتئین کافی در رژیم غذایی خود کنید، و جنوب آسیا که در آن برنج و گندم هستند staples.India مشترک به تنهایی ممکن است 5.3 درصد از پروتئین از یک رژیم غذایی استاندارد از دست بدهد، قرار دادن یک پیش بینی 53 میلیون نفر در معرض خطر جدید از کمبود پروتئین. 

The UK does not believe in keeping the company

 Caparo Industries, Lord Swraj Paul’s company founded in 1969, a long time presence in the UK, went into administration in October. Let’s hope that positive announcements between the two nations will be made. But we are thrilled that Mr Modi will place flowers at the Mahatma Gandhi statue. According to reports, it will be a packed schedule, with calling on the Queen, visiting Downing Street, and the Gandhi Statue at Parliament Square, and then giving an address in Parliament.. Rachel had the bishop of London and the archbishop of Canterbury, accompanying her.It isn’t often that the House of Lords bursts spontaneously into applause.


Yes, the British do enjoy tradition and continuity! (Imagine the furore, however, if some pundits were nominated to the Rajya Sabha!)As they say love knows no boundaries or age limit! The recent news about the romance between the Australian media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, 84, and former supermodel, Jerry Hall, 59, is a case in point. But it did happen when Rachel Treweek, the bishop of Gloucester, became the first female bishop to be introduced into the House of Lords. They won’t ban imports either. Even the fireworks display has to be more spectacular, just post-Diwali. There was also the closure of the plant at Redcar on Teesside that made 2,200 redundant.Of course, there are those who point out that comparisons will surely be made between this and the recent visit of the Chinese Premier. Everyone was pleased at the double innovation of a woman being ordained bishop and then being introduced in the House of Lords as one of 26 bishops. His products were staples in large supermarkets in the UK.For everyone he was the Curry King, but for many of us, he was just “Noon” with his gentle demeanour which hid a sparkling ambition and hard work.


He should be well prepared, however, with his counter narrative if he wants to dispel the view of intellectuals being “under threat”, as some papers have reported. Glowing photographs of Ms Hall, hanging onto the arm of the billionaire have been published. Then we heard he was in hospital Our hearts go out to his family and his 10mm hex nuts Manufacturers wife, Lady Mohini Noon, who spearheads various charities that her husband had always supported. But the reliance of the UK on Indian steel companies tells you how much India has changed from the days when India had to ask the UK to start a steel mill in the 1950s as part of the Second Five-Year Plan. Excitement is building up, as it is considered a long overdue visit.So finally, here’s the announcement that British Indians have been impatiently waiting for! Prime Minister Narendra Modi is coming to the UK, in the second week of November. We had last met him, a few months ago, and he, as ever, was keenly interested and enthusiastic in everything around him. Obviously, Mr Murdoch has moved on. When someone is introduced in the House of Lords, they have two supporters: one who goes in front and one who follows them into the chamber.

So finally, here’s the announcement that British Indians have been impatiently waiting for! Prime Minister Narendra Modi is coming to the UK, in the second week of November. Lord Noon (1936-2015) is credited with introducing packaged Indian foods into British homes, and was also the first to popularise chicken tikka masala. The administrators, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, hope to salvage and stabilise some parts of the company. He also took an active interest in the Labour Party, and will be missed both by Parliament as well as by the industry. This is largely due to cheap steel from China. Despite being a secular society, the Church of England is represented in Parliament, and it is a tradition which is often debated, but it remains unchanged. In the last year or so, we had seen the startling change he suffered due to cancer, but even in that weakened state he continued to work. She had only recently been made bishop of the Church of England. There will be 122 job losses in the West Midlands.

The UK does not believe in keeping the company going if they make losses.Perhaps these positive messages will be much-needed as the Indian story has lost some of its sheen, especially at UK-based steel plants. The largest audience of Indians overseas will be gathered at the Wembley Stadium, and whilst we will attend, many are bemused at the competition to keep it bigger than ever before, in any country. It was just a few years ago that we learnt about his previous wife, Wendi Deng’s infatuation with the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair. The “award wapsi” by Indian writers and others has also been well covered in the UK and so there could be a few critical media reports while Mr Modi is here.Kishwar Desai is an award-winning author. The Tata Steel plant at Scunthorpe and Scotland has been shut causing 1,200 job losses

آجیل سرشار از امگا هستند

 آجیل سرشار از اسیدهای چرب امگا 3 و آنتی اکسیدان ها، که شناخته شده به نفع اسپرم هستند. (عکس: Pixabay) یک مطالعه جدید نشان می دهد خوردن آجیل قابل توجهی بهبود باروری در یافته men.The از آزمون توسط محققان اسپانیایی در 119 مرد جوان سالم است. توانایی شنا آن شش درصد بهتر و نشاط نیز چهار در China hex nuts Suppliers در مورد آن بهبود یافته بود، دکتر آلبرت سالاس-Huetos، از دانشگاه روویرا Virgili، گفت در یک کنفرانس باروری در بارسلونا، "این یافته ها نقش مفیدی برای مصرف مهره حمایت در quality.They اسپرم خوردند یک رژیم غذایی غربی، اما نیمی از یک ترکیب و 60g بادام داده شد، فندق و walnuts.Nuts غنی سحر و جادو چین آجیل تامین کنندگان در اسیدهای چرب امگا 3 و آنتی اکسیدان ها، که شناخته شده به نفع sperm.According به مطالعه هستند ، آن را نیز حرکت، شکل و انرژی سطح شناگران خود، همه عوامل که افزایش شانس تبدیل شدن به یک پدر بهبود یافته است. پس از 14 هفته، در گروه مهره حال توانایی 16 درصد count.Its اسپرم بالاتر شنا شش درصد بهتر و نشاط نیز چهار درصد بهبود یافته بود. »مطالعه به شواهد موجود، از خوردن سالم با مقدار زیادی میوه و سبزی می تواند به بهبود 

متخصص پوست توصیه لیزر پوست سفید و یا پررنگ لیزری

 متخصص پوست توصیه لیزر پوست سفید و یا لیزری پررنگ تولید کنندگان مهره 10mm و سحر و جادو برای رسیدن به glow.As که بسیار مورد نیاز شما را بر یک سال جدید را سوار شو، که درخشش اثیری با سفید لیزری سریع و یا پررنگ لیزر. است بدون خرابی وجود دارد، بنابراین شما قادر به بازگشت به فعالیت های عادی خود را پس از استفاده از کرم های ضد آفتاب با کیفیت .. این کمک می کند برای روشن پوست. کاهش pores.- نویسنده متخصص پوست مشاور است. در زیر برخی نکات شایع و درمان که ممکن است شما را به پوست try.Laser سفید یا سایه رنگی لیزری با حق بیمه 10mm hex nut Manufacturers دارای مزایای اضافی از نظر بهبود رنگ پوست و بافت با حداقل خطر عوارض جانبی و عملا هیچ خرابی می خواهید. لیزر درمان می تواند کمک به شما که درخشش تازه جوان و زرق و برق دار از در گردش چشم، صرف نظر از احتمال این که شما دقیقا نمی آن را احساس نکرده است. بهبود رنگ پوست و بافت. سه دور از لیزر در پوست پس از یک فیلم از لوسیون کربن اعمال می شود: دور اول است برای جذب کربن به داخل پوست ترویج جوان سازی پوست، اهداف دوم کربن جذب می شود که باعث کاهش همزمان در چربی، و سوم است به سفت منافذ . این روش بدون درد و انجام در عرض چند دقیقه بدون هیچ خرابی است. توسط افراد مشهور مانند ها Bipasha Basu، سری دوی و حتی ستاره های هالیوود مانند بیانسه و ریحانا تحت تاثیر قرار، مردم به دنبال درمان با لیزر که برای دریافت درخشش بسیار مورد نیاز. در طول فصل جشن، همه ما ترتیبات گیری آنقدر شلوغ است، خرید و نوزاد که یکی تمایل به بی توجهی باعث بروز اثرات بد در سلامت کلی و به ظاهر از skin.


Laser شیشه رنگی برای کسانی که با خطوط ریز، رنگ پوست ناهموار توصیه می شود، پوست عکس آسیب و خلل و فرج بزرگ است. استرس از سال های رفته شده است مصرف عوارض بر روی پوست ما، به دنبال مطلق ما بهترین است بسیار مهم است. درمان نسبتا بدون درد است، و پوست احساس گرم به لمس بلافاصله پست treatment.Healthy به پوست می با یک رژیم خوب مراقبت از پوست، یک رژیم غذایی متعادل، مصرف آب کافی، یک شیوه زندگی سالم، خواب و مهم ترین مشاوره متخصص پوست که می تواند در ارائه شروع می شود تخصص از روشن پوست خود را به دادن درمان های مناسب خاص برای پوست است. این است که به سرعت در حال کسب محبوبیت به عنوان درمان انتخابی برای many.Well، همه ما نیاز به یک نتیجه گرا، روش موثر و سریع است که حداقل تضمین برای احیای چهره کسل کننده، به دنبال فورا در این زمان از سال است. با توجه به این جذب، قسمت های تاریک از سلول های پوست را که باعث ملانین بالا دریافت destroyed.Much از راه ما نگاه به طور مستقیم به سلامت، نشاط و نگهداری از پوست ما مرتبط است. تصویر فایل ها Bipasha Basu مورد استفاده برای مقاصد بازنمایی only.To مطمئن شوید که شما نگاه تازه و پر جنب و جوش برای سال نو، شما باید کمی از زمان را به خود و پوست لیزر skin.Carbon خود متنعم دارای مزایای از لایه برداری با ابزار ساینده و یا روش chemicals.The سخت شامل رهبری منابع انرژی با شدت بالا، که توسط ملانین جذب می شود. زمان را به خود و پوست شما این season.Results جشن تدریجی است و درمان می تواند از بین یک تا دو هفته هر بار فاصله برای هشت تا 10 درمان در کل متنعم. 

The organisations which are virtually on a warpath

With 12.Steel imports have considerably decreased in the last three years. As per WTO rules, safeguard measures are defined as “Emergency” actions in response to large-scale increase in imports or a surge in imports.Interestingly, the India’s total imports of steels are hardly 6 per cent of the total gross production in the country.68 per cent of total production as of May 2019.5 per cent of basic customs duty on most flat products, like HRC, plus a surcharge of 10 per cent, imports from most countries like China, Europe and the CIS has become unviable and substantially declined. A significant portion of the imports comprises grades, sizes and quality that is not available sufficiently or timely in India or of finished goods for export purpose.

The organisations which are virtually on a warpath against the government on the issue include CAMIT, TSSIA, FAI, COSIA, SWMAI, DIN935 HEX NUT Manufacturers SUFI, Hooghly Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Steel Chamber of India, Federation of Industries of India, to name a few.  Besides, SMEs and MSMEs would be the worst sufferers from this, these bodies feel. Leading steel consumers and various associations are up in arms against the Centre over the imposition of 25 per cent safeguard duty on imports of a wide range of steel items on the ground that safeguard duty would make imports costlier for users and lead to a few steel mills dominating, creating a monopolistic market in India. Kolkata: Leading steel consumers and various associations are up in arms against the Centre over the imposition of 25 per cent safeguard duty on imports of a wide range of steel items on the ground that safeguard duty would make imports costlier for users and lead to a few steel mills dominating, creating a monopolistic market in India. The total imports were merely 4.. But the ground reality is that imports have considerably decreased in the last three years as a result of a series of various protective measures, both tariff and non-tariff based that were announced for various steel items since September 2015

The study recorded not just sperm parameters

Sperm and blood samples were analysed at baseline and after 14 weeks of intervention.The findings "support a beneficial role for chronic nut consumption in sperm quality" and reflect a research need for further male-specific dietary recommendations.These were consistent with improvements found in other recent studies with diets carbon steel nuts Manufacturers rich in omega-3, antioxidants (eg, vitamin C and E, selenium and zinc), and folate, they said.In the study, subjects randomised to the nut group had significant improvements in their sperm count, vitality, motility and morphology (shape), researchers said.Improvements in the former group were by around 16 per cent in sperm count, four per cent in sperm vitality, six per cent in sperm motility, and one per cent in morphology.Nuts are dense foods containing many of these nutrients and other phytochemicals.Moreover, the subjects in the nut group also showed a significant reduction in their levels of sperm DNA fragmentation, a parameter closely associated with male infertility.

The study recorded not just sperm parameters but also changes in several molecular factors, including sperm DNA fragmentation.The randomised trial by researchers from the Rovira i Virgili University in Spain measured conventional semen parameters and molecular changes over a 14-week study period. Sperm and blood samples were analysed at baseline and after 14 weeks of intervention (Photo: AFP) London: Including nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts in a regular diet may significantly improve the quality and function of human sperm, a study claims.These four parameters are all associated with male fertility, said Albert Salas-Huetos from Rovira i Virgili University.The researchers found significantly higher levels of sperm count, vitality, motility and morphology in the men randomised to the 60 grammes per day nut diet than in those following their usual diets free of nuts..Nuts are dense foods containing many of these nutrients and other phytochemicals.The study was a 14-week randomised clinical trial in which 119 healthy young men aged 18-35 were allocated to either their usual western-style diet supplemented with 60 grammes per day of mixed almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, or their usual western-style diet without nuts

We have done a fairly good amount of groundwork on it

The PMO, sources added, has sought further clarity on the matter and as of now the proposal has been sent back to the drawing board, though steel ministry officials claimed the matter is very much alive and that th-ere could be positive movement on it..That the move to impose MIP had been postponed was clear when commerce wholesale metric nut minister Nirmala Sithar-aman said on January 8 that the government will not rush into fixing a MIP for certain steel products.

The steel and commerce ministries in the past one month had held hectic deliberations on imposition of MIP on cheap steel shipments from China, which owing to their lesser price have been hitting the Indian steel market hard for the past few years as there are few takers for domestic steel. But at this stage we are not rushing into it,” she had told reporters.

We have done a fairly good amount of groundwork on it, but it’s not just one item, one HS code, which is affected,” she had told reporters.Though both the steel and commerce ministries had discussed the plan to impose a minimum import price (MIP) on certain categories of steel with the finance ministry, sources told this newspaper that t Though both the steel and commerce ministries had discussed the plan to impose a minimum import price (MIP) on certain categories of steel with the finance ministry, sources told this newspaper that the PMO shot down the proposal, apparently reminding the departments that with India being a WTO member any changes in pricing of a global commodity would have to be indicated to the global trade body.There are several of them which will be impacted and therefore any talk of MIP will not have to be restricted to one or two lines (products) but may be several. Apart from this, there were also fears within the government that imposition of MIP, though beneficial to the domestic industry, may also lead to black-marketing of steel, sources added

The steel industry is facing a challenging time

 .97 million tonnes while in this fiscal Representational Image. Sai said the production of steel has continued to increase in the last few years and has recorded a percentage growth of 8. In the last fiscal, steel output was recorded at 88.

The minister said steel is a de-regulated sector and investment decisions to expand the existing steel plants or to set up new steel plants are taken by the individual companies or investors based on commercial considerations, market dynamics and techno-economic viability of projects.97 million tonnes while in this fiscal New Delhi: The steel industry in the country is passing through a "challenging" phase on account of low prices coupled with other issues, government said on November 30.In the last fiscal steel output was recorded at 88. In the last fiscal steel output was recorded at 88.9 per cent in 2014-15 over the previous fiscal.97 million tonnes (MT) while in this fiscal, from April-October, it has been recorded at 52.

The steel industry is facing a challenging time due to low steel prices and low profitability, issues related to land Hex Nuts Factory From China acquisition, environmental and forest clearances and availability of finances from banks and financial institutions," Minister of State for Steel and Mines Vishnu Deo Sai told Lok Sabha in a written reply.44 MT, the minister said

سيتم الترحيب بالنمو في بايتاون

سيتم الترحيب بالنمو في بايتاون ، حيث يبلغ معدل البطالة 9.S. أعفي مؤقتًا العديد من الشركاء التجاريين الرئيسيين ، بما في ذلك الاتحاد الأوروبي والمكسيك وكندا. (الصورة: AP) واشنطن: يهدد نزاع الرئيس دونالد ترامب والمكسرات مع الصين بشأن التجارة والتكنولوجيا بالوظائف والأرباح في مجتمعات الطبقة العاملة حيث تصل أجندة "أميركا فيرست" إلى الوطن. الشركة لا تحذر من تسريح العمال من الخدمة إذا لم يتم الموافقة على التنازل. بدون تنازل ، قد تواجه شركة Borusan تعريفة تتراوح بين 25 مليون دولار إلى 30 مليون دولار سنويًا إذا كانت تستورد الأنابيب الفولاذية والغلاف من شركتها الأم في تركيا ، وفقًا للمعلومات التي قدمتها الشركة إلى AP. الملكية الفكرية. يشير طلب التنازل أيضًا إلى أن توسيع مصنع بقيمة 15 مليون دولار أمريكي قد يكون في خطر. وقالت سينيكا إنها توظف أكثر من 400 شخص في منشآت صناعة العلب في ويسكونسن وإيداهو وبالقرب من مقرها الرئيسي في مقاطعة واين في نيويورك ، حيث تفوق ترامب على كلينتون. . هذا يعني أن Seneca عليها شراء جزء مما تحتاجه من الخارج. الشركات التي تصنعها من الصلب المدلفن على البارد "بكمية كافية ومتاحة بشكل معقول أو بجودة مرضية" ، قالت Steelcase. ولكن إذا قالت hex nuts نعم ، فإن Borusan ستكون قادرة على إطلاق استثمارات بقيمة 25 مليون دولار أمريكي في منشأة Baytown بينما تسعى لتصبح "المورد المحلي 100 في المئة" ، وفقا لطلب التنازل. وقال هريتز: "نحن نؤيد تنمية صناعة الصلب في هذا البلد" ، أي أكثر من ضعف المعدل الوطني. "التعريفات - 25 بالمائة على الصلب المستورد و 10 بالمائة على الألومنيوم المستورد - مصممة لحماية و إعادة بناء الشركات الأمريكية التي تصنع المعادن ، وبدون تنازل ، حذرت Steelcase من أن "الجدوى الاقتصادية لـ PolyVision (و) بلدة Okmulgee الصغيرة" ستتعرض للخطر. وسيتم تسليم المواد هذا العام والعام المقبل ، وفقًا للتنازل يتم استخدام الأنابيب التي تنتجها شركة بوروسان في المقام الأول كغلاف للآبار النفطية والغاز الطبيعي. وقال شخص على دراية بوضع سينيكا إن الشركة ستواجه مبلغًا قدره 2 دولارًا أمريكيًا. ووجدت بكين ردًا من خلال اقتراح تعريفة على 50 مليار دولار أمريكي. يستهدف في المقام الأول الصين لإغراق السوق العالمية بالفولاذ الرخيص والألمنيوم. فازت Trump بمعظم الأصوات التي تم التصويت عليها لمنصب الرئيس في مقاطعة Okmulgee ، ولم يتم السماح للشخص بالتحدث علنًا والتحدث إلى وكالة أسوشييتد برس بشرط عدم الكشف عن هويته. ردت شركة ina ، التي بقيت في القائمة المستهدفة ، بفرض رسوم جمركية على المنتجات الأمريكية بقيمة 3 مليارات دولار أمريكي ، بما في ذلك التفاح ولحم الخنزير والجينسنغ. إن الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ و PolyVision على وشك إجراء الاستثمار ، مما سيخلق وظائف بناء وتصنيع جديدة ، حسب الطلب المنتجات بما في ذلك الطائرات الصغيرة وفول الصويا - تهديد مباشر للمناطق الريفية التي كانت أساسية لفوز ترامب. في أوكمولجي ، أوكلاهوما ، تتعطل عشرات الوظائف في الميزان بينما تنتظر شركة Steelcase العملاقة للأثاث المكتبي رد الفعل من وزارة التجارة. من الواضح أنهم لا يستطيعون تلبية الطلب على المدى القصير ". وبدلاً من ذلك ، من المحتمل أن تأتي التعريفة الجمركية من الحد الأدنى لسينيكا ، على حد قول الشخص. يقع Baytown جزئيًا في مقاطعة Harris ، التي فازت بها الديموقراطية هيلاري كلينتون ، وجزئيًا في مقاطعة Chambers ، التي فاز بها Trump بسهولة. وتهدف التعريفات في المقام الأول إلى الصين لإغراق السوق العالمية بالفولاذ والألومنيوم الرخيصين. أكبر شركة للأغذية في البلاد. قال مصنع الخضار في تطبيق الإعفاء أنه من غير الواضح ، في أحسن الأحوال ، ما إذا كان لدى الموردين الأمريكيين القدرة أو الرغبة في توسيع إنتاجهم على المدى الطويل لتلبية الطلب السنوي للشركة على الصلب المصلح. وقد تلقت وزارة التجارة أكثر من 2400 طلب من الشركات التي تسعى للحصول على إعفاءات من تعريفة الإدارة على واردات الصلب والألومنيوم ، والتي قد تؤدي إلى دفع رسوم بملايين الدولارات للشركات الكبيرة. وستتبع ذلك زيادة إضافية قدرها 50 مليون دولار في قدرة تصنيع الأنابيب ، حسبما ذكرت الشركة ، مما أدى إلى ما يصل إلى ما يصل إلى 170 وظيفة جديدة. لكنهم أدىوا أيضًا إلى الارتباك وعدم اليقين ، وفقًا لمقابلات أسوشييتد برس ومراجعة للسجلات. المستقبل أكثر ضبابًا بالنسبة لأعمال الصلب الأخرى في بايتاون ، بوروسان مانسمان بايب. جون هريتز ، المدير التنفيذي لشركة JSW Steel USA في بايتاون ، تكساس ، قال شركته إن شركته متوقفة مع نهج ترامب. وقال بوروسان إن خط إنتاج بايتاون لن يكون منافسًا وستتعرض "الوظائف للتهديد" إذا لم تستطع استيراد 135،000 طن متري من الصلب سنويًا خلال العامين المقبلين. ردت Trump على ذلك بإضافة المزيد من الحماية التدابير كعقوبة على السرقة الصينية لشركة UV Steelcase التابعة لشركة UA Steelcase ، والتي تدير مصنعًا في أوكمولجي يستخدم نوعًا خاصًا من الصلب من اليابان لتصنيع سطح متشابه يشبه الزجاج للألواح البيضاء والأغراض المعمارية. لا توافق الإدارة على طلب التنازل عن 11000 طن متري من الصفيح الذي وافقت بالفعل على شرائه من China.JSW Steel ، المملوكة لشركة JSW Group الهندية ، هي emba يسرق على الدولار

They want to eliminate differentiation between developed and developing countries

 The first salvo in this direction was fired by US Secretary of State John Kerry a couple of weeks ago, when he called India a “challenge” so far as the Paris climate talks were concerned. A promise of money will be made to keep developing countries happy. And this can only happen if, at Paris, countries agree on an architecture of fair allocation of the carbon budget and fair burden-sharing between countries for curbing further emissions and adapting to climate change. India would do well to not oppose the 1.

During the first week of the conference, rumours have abounded of a pincer movement, spearheaded by the US, to trap India and hold it responsible for all failures at Paris. India is at once the leader of the latter group and target of the former. Then, in the last few days – the conference ends on December 11 -- the US and China will come together and foist a deal with the support of the French and other European countries. Also, 11 countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom and the US, have pledged close to $250 million in new money for adaptation support to the most vulnerable countries on the planet, into a fund called the Least Developed Countries Fund. It remains to be seen if that’s how the Paris negotiations turn out. An article written by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Financial Times ahead of the conference did partially capture this when he said that “the lifestyles of a few must not crowd out opportunities for the many still on the first steps of the development ladder”. But it is not a done deal because the world is divided between the industrialized countries and the industrializing ones.Behind the money smokescreen, however, the developed countries are essentially seeking to rewrite the convention.

They want to eliminate differentiation between developed and developing countries and marginalize the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’ (CBDR) and equity – which says that those nations that got rich by spewing the most carbon into the atmosphere must do more to help mitigate climate change than the ones who don’t spew the most carbon -- replacing it with the concept of ‘self-differentiation’—as President Obama put it in his Leaders’ Plenary speech: ‘Targets that are set not for each of us, but by each of us’ (emphasis added).5 degrees and not 2 degrees.

To get an ambitious and equitable deal at Paris, it is important that India’s position reflects both the aspirations and threat of climate change to the developing world. India should start articulating its position in the interest of the poor of the world, not just our own poor. These countries will need the carbon budget far beyond 2030 to meet the basic development needs such as food, shelter, infrastructure and energy for their peoples. An agreement is absolutely necessary to keep the planet’s temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius for the rest of this century. (Chandra Bhushan is Deputy Director General of the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi). India, however, should strongly reflect the views of the poor in all the developing countries who are bearing the brunt of climate change.India should also support the key demands of least developed countries and small island nations. India has an opportunity in Paris to do the latter.The fifth assessment report of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has clearly put out the number on the amount of carbon dioxide the world can emit while maintaining the safety threshold of a temperature increase of less than 2 degrees Celsius since the pre-industrial era.

Most of their proposals are against India’s stand. They will, therefore, continue at every step to propose changes in the convention, just to attract opposition from India.The western media is also using the projected rise of coal consumption in India to paint it as a climate villain.Over 150 nations are assembled at the climate conference in Paris to sew up an agreement on how to curb carbon emissions into the earth’s atmosphere and slow down global warming. Now, the western media has taken this ‘issue’ up as a crusade and have begun to routinely term India’s position as “divisive”— even without examining what that position is.The climate conference must ensure that this “development space” is made available to developing countries.65. It is important for India to get its objective, and the communication of this objective, right. These countries want a financial mechanism to take care of the loss and damage suffered by them due to climate change. This carbon space of 1,000-1,400 billion tonnes, which can be emitted from now till 2100, is fast disappearing. Four European countries -- Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland—have announced a new $500 million initiative to help cut greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. And by that time, the Human Development Index (HDI) of South Asian and most African countries will still be less than 0. The World Bank Group has worked with these countries to develop the initiative, called the Transformative Carbon Asset Facility. India will be the ‘fall guy’.Consider, for instance, the UNFCCC’s Synthesis report on the aggregate effect of the intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), the plans that individual countries have submitted to say what they will do to curb their carbon emissions.

It should clearly communicate the fact that Paris is the last chance to operationalise the principle of equity and CBDR.5 degree limit outright; rather, we should say that both 1. That, observers say, is the plot.5 degrees and 2 degrees should be kept as targets, as done in previous climate conferences. Time magazine carried a piece on December 1 titled “India’s Need for Coal-Fueled Growth Complicates Paris Climate Summit,” and said, “ That thirst for coal—the single biggest source of man-made carbon emissions—has made India a country to watch in Paris ”It’s plain that there is a well-laid plan to trap India into a position in which it appears to be obstructionist.At the climate conference in Paris, the atmosphere is full of rumour and intrigue. Developed countries know that India is wedded to the 1992 climate convention and will oppose any major deviation from its principles. This will then be hyped up as a ‘unilaterally polarising’ attitude that has bogged the negotiations down. Over 150 nations are assembled at the climate conference in Paris to sew up an agreement on how to curb carbon emissions into the earth’s atmosphere and slow down global warming.Indeed, the money promises have begun to pour in.Now, India has two choices. It’s a battle for ‘carbon space’ out there. And it concerns India. hex flange nut Suppliers They have made no firm commitment on finance or technology to the developing countries. Even if all countries live by those commitments, some 60-75 percent of the carbon budget will be exhausted by as early as 2030 itself. They also want that the temperature increase should be limited to 1. Either it can get sucked into this whirlpool of what increasingly looks like a well-laid out plan, or it can propound a counter-narrative that will turn the tables on developed countries

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